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Have you ever fallen in love with an IKEA product, only to fall victim to an assembly fail? Don’t fret, you are not alone!

IKEA makes designing your dream kitchen a breeze. Take a look at their inspiration gallery, there is something for every style and budget. The idea is simple. You personally design your perfect kitchen and receive all the pieces to construct your kitchen in a perfect package. How hard can it be? Well, although the instructions and tools provided for assembly appear simple enough, they are not always so easy for the average do-it-yourselfer. The translator is not included.

This is what you buy from IKEA:

This is what you get when you try to assemble all the pieces and install yourself:

From assembling a chair upside down to installing cabinets backwards, we’ve heard from several customers who’ve run into similar IKEA DIY fails and end up turning to the carpentry professionals at Pro Handyman for their furniture assembly and installation needs. If you want to avoid a DIY headache in the future, contact your local Pro Handyman . What you’ll get is a professional who arrives on-time, ready to work and someone who gets the job done right!

Make sure to stay on top of all your household repairs, improvements and maintenance needs and request service in your area with Pro Handyman assistance.

Contact us:

Phone: ‎619-497-9775
E-mail: [email protected]