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3 Healthy Snack Ideas

March is National Nutrition Month, which is just in time to begin the good eating habits for beach season. Here at AIS, we know how difficult it is to eat healthy while juggling work, family, friends and responsibilities, so we have compiled a list of healthy snack ideas that are easy to prep and serve. These snacks will be able to be enjoyed throughout your work day with ease and little clean up, but the best part about them- they are all 250 calories or less!

1. Mashed Avocado

– Another one of the positives of National Nutrition Month falling on the month of March is that it is avocado season! Head to your local grocery store or farmer’s market and purchase a supply of fresh avocados and begin by cutting them in half. Sprinkle half an avocado with low sodium soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, toasted sesame seeds and chopped cilantro. Mash it all with a fork, place it in a fitting Tupperware, and take it with you for a 120 calorie snack on the go.

healthy snack - mashed avocado

2. Mediterranean Picnic

– Do you love the salty and sweetness of Mediterranean food? Then this snack will satisfy both of those cravings. All you need are sweet tomatoes, salty olives, and some dolce Gorgonzola for a small but mobile snack. You can even add some thin crackers for a snack of 201 calories!

healthy snack - Mediterannean Picnic

3. Balsamic, Tomato and Avocado Salad

– Since it is avocado season, we are going to share another recipe that calls for this wonderful fruit. All you need is a half of a medium-sized tomato, half of an avocado, 1 can of tuna and balsamic vinegar, then chop and mix into a bowl for a refreshing 245 calorie snack that can go everywhere you need.

healthy snack - Special Mixed salad

These recipes are easy ways to kick start your health food revolution while still staying quick and mobile. These snacks have all the ingredients to help you feel full and energized throughout the entire day.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources. This content is offered for educational purposes only and does not represent contractual agreements, nor is it intended to replace manuals or instructions provided by the manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional. The definitions, terms and coverage in a given policy may be different than those suggested here and the language contained therein will govern such policy. No warranty or appropriateness for a specific purpose is expressed or implied.

This article was taken from: http://blog.aisinsurance.com/2015/02/27/5-tips-driving-children/
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